Postures 2


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These 70 pages include the study  of: pârshva-uttânâsana, vîrabhadrâsana, utthita trikonâsana (parivritti and pârshva), prasârita pâda-uttânâsana and utthita pârshva konâsana.

It contains 8 sequences: 

– pârshva uttânâsana,

– vîrabhadrâsana,

– prasârita pâda-uttânâsana,

– one sequence to illustrate the concept of anuloma,

– another sequence to illustrate the concept of viloma,

– three sequences with different applications of utthita pârshva konâsana.

Some of these postures have already been studied in the magazine Viniyoga Europe and the others will be published in future issues.Â