
Viniyoga magazines are now available in English!

Why buy?

These magazines are a wonderful way to learn about yoga! 

Viniyoga Postures contain the study of several postures, as well as sequences to help you deepen your yoga experience. All the postures studied here are or will be present in Viniyoga Europe.

Viniyoga Europe covers several aspects of yoga, since âsana, to the philosophy.
These magazines present the study of postures, as well as sequences for you to try, the commentary of Professor Krishnamacharya on Yoga-Sûtra, followed by the explanations of T.K.V. Desikachar, who also answers questions related to the subject, and many other articles, related to yoga: how to build a sequence, prânâyâma, application of yoga concepts to practical situations, or in a yoga practice, etc…

Our magazines contain no publicity. They are all e-magazines!

Why Viniyoga “Europe”?

Well, because the articles of these magazines were translated into English from the original Viniyoga magazines, which were published in Belgium, under the supervision of Claude Maréchal. 

All the articles were translated into English with the authorization of Claude Maréchal.