(45 pages)
Three of the four chapters of this volume are focused on theme time and duration. The fourth chapter is about contraction and internalization (âkuñcana).
In short, we have:
- Time and duration: six sequences with eighty breaths (1 of the internalization/relaxation kind (anta), 4 of the breathing/stability kind (sthiti) and 1 of the expansion kind (shrishti). These sequences take about half an hour each, depending on one’s breathing duration.
- Time and duration: three sequences with one hundred twenty breaths. These sequences take about one hour each, depending on one’s breathing duration.
- Time and duration: a sequence with two hundred forty breaths. This sequence takes about one hour and a half to two hours, also depending on one’s breathing duration.
- Âsana and âkuñcana (two sequences).
(This work is not going to be published in Viniyoga Europe!)